National Back to School Month!
It's our favorite time of year – back to school! Summer is fun, but we love seeing our students and getting back to bringing yoga and mindfulness into the classroom.
Going back to school can be an anxious time for kids. New classrooms, new teachers, possibly new classmates – or even new schools – can all make a child feel nervous or stressed. Plus, add in a global pandemic that stubbornly won't go away, and all the extra precautions that go with that and it's no wonder this is one of the most stressful times of the year for kids.
But there are things that you can start now, a few weeks before school starts, that will make your kids' transition from summer to classroom much smoother and easier.
Start moving bedtime and wake time closer to the times your family will need to mimic once school starts back up.
Many schools will still be requiring masks this fall, especially since elementary kids remain ineligible for vaccines. If your child is new to masks, or out of practice, start introducing one for gradually longer periods each day.
Let your child help you pick out some of his/her new school supplies. A new book bag, shoes, or even something as easy as new folders, can get your kiddo in that back-to-school spirit.
Visit and check out a few of the brain break exercises – specifically the breathwork ones – and practice a few with your kids. Encourage them to utilize the exercises when they start feeling stress or anxiety at school or home.
But, don't forget, summer isn't over yet! Get outside and enjoy your family's last few weeks of freedom together before school and cold weather begin to take over.